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Hyperlinked Local Rules and revised Local Form 4A

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

On September 1, 2021, the court adopted the most recent revisions of its Local Rules.  Today, the court replaced the PDF of the revised Local Rules with a new PDF that includes internal and external hyperlinks to help the bar and the general public more easily maneuver their way through the rules.  The links are invisible, but most references to local or federal rules, local or federal forms, statutes, etc., can be used to access another part of the rules, a relevant website, or a copy of a document.  The substance of the Local Rules has not changed from the September 1, 2021 version.  The court thanks the Bankruptcy Administrator and her staff for their help with updating the Local Rules to make them more interactive.


In addition, the court posted an updated version of Local Form 4A in order to correct an error.