Effective July 1, 2019, the court will institute a Loan Modification Management Program. The goal of the program will be to expedite residential mortgage modifications for Chapter 13 debtors and mortgage creditors. The program will use an internet portal and independent facilitators to assist communications and the transfer of documentation between the parties. The court has also created form motions and orders that can be adapted for particular cases. For more information, please see the Loan Modification Management Program procedures and forms below.
- WDNC Bankruptcy LMM Procedures (Sept. 1, 2021)
- WDNC LMM Form 01 - Motion for Loan Modification Management
- WDNC LMM Form 02 - Certification of LMM Eligibility and Readiness
- WDNC LMM Form 03 - Supplement Fee Agreement
- WDNC LMM Form 04 - Order for Loan Modification Management
- WDNC LMM Form 05 - Motion to Substitute LMM Servicer
- WDNC LMM Form 06 - Order Substituting LMM Servicer
- WDNC LMM Form 07 - Certificate of Non-Compliance
- WDNC LMM Form 08 - Motion to Extend the LMM Period
- WDNC LMM Form 09 - Proposed Order Extending the LMM Period
- WDNC LMM Form 10 - Motion to Terminate LMM
- WDNC LMM Form 11 - Proposed Order Terminating LMM
- WDNC LMM Form 12 - Motion to Approve Trial Loan Modification Agreement
- WDNC LMM Form 13 - Trial Loan Modification Order
- WDNC LMM Form 14 - Motion to Authorize Permanent Loan Modification Agreement
- WDNC LMM Form 15 - Permanent Loan Modification Summary
- WDNC LMM Form 16 - Permanent Loan Modification Order
- ECF Instructions - Loan Modification Management